📈Community Rewards


The entire circulating supply of SDEX has not been fully released (for more information, please refer to Tokenomics).

A portion of SDEX token is held in a smart contract, destinated to SmarDex users as the SmarDex ecosystem expands and new features are added. You can view the accumulated amount of SDEX here:

Verify rewards

To view the amount of Community Rewards accumulated, visit https://smardex.io/community-rewards.

To verify the displayed quantity, you have to add these 2 amounts of SDEX:

  1. The SDEX balance of the Ethereum wallet with the address: 0xCCFf63a61D197dBD3Be666B41F6b7BA69f3Ff846.

  2. The pending withdrawable amount of SDEX accumulated in Farming Campaign 5.

Here's how to perform the 2nd point check:

The accumulated SDEX can be checked on-chain by accessing the FarmingRange rewards distributor smart contract:

Under section "8. pendingReward", using the parameters:

  • _campaignID (uint256): 5

  • _user (address): 0x1E3e1128F6bC2264a19D7a065982696d356879c5

Click on "Query"

The amount is given in wei of SDEX, click on the amount to get the result in SDEX: (in this example we have 8847353050076330214527669)

In this example ~8,847,353.050.. SDEX have been accumulated.

Last updated